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Flowing Sheet II

The End of Time (1) by Rowen

The frigate, closely followed by a uncommon fast, trim clipper, beat into the channel with a clear ferocity, surprising the wheeling flocks of seabirds used to the relatively calm, unfocused hubbub of work parties loading stores, small boats plying up and down with mail and messages, bum boats. Officers and men alike were busy, even in the increasingly driving wind and rain, with urgent repairs, putting the squadron to rights in preparation for tomorrow's expected fair wind. Briseis had finally arrived and it was no secret that Commodore Aubrey intended to sail with the first tide.

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A Boat at the Pigtail Steps (2) by Warren Godfrey

Save for the sometimes whir of the refrigerator and the tick clack of the patented baseboard radiator along the far wall the room was quiet, and dark where no light seeped from the streets below.
Far off a nighttime muffled voice bid someone 'Goodbye' or 'Hello' and a car door slammed once and again. Someone home or gone home.

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Captain pro tem (3) by Anthony Patton

The same pilot had returned and so too his soliloquy of unwise ships' masters arriving or departing Gibraltar, the difference weighed between the cost of a ship and a pilot's fee (his hands leaving the wheel to illustrate), and the obligatory demise of these ships of inopportune thrift, stories chock full of gore.

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Other entries

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The Shan Van Vocht by John Finneran

Sophie's Struggle by Jessey Seiler

The Story of a Flaming Falsehood by Charles Muñoz

Summer Morning by Jenspen

An Unaccustomed Place by Warren Godfrey

Unnatural History by Scott MacPhee