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Everyday Menus

Vegetarian Dinner for Guests - Ruth Abrams
A Sunday Dinner - Linda DeMars
A Week's Menus - Doug Essinger-Hileman
A Summer's Light Dinner - Doug Essinger-Hileman
Dinner for Four - Kyle Lerfald
Meals Down South - Mary S.
Supper: The Repast Not Elegant Enough To Be Called Dinner, Though It Was Eaten By Lamplight - Marian Van Til
Stuffed Pork Loin Dinner - Sara Waterson
Craighead County, Arkansas - Paula Fabionar
Tapas with Ginger Bear - Doug Essinger-Hileman
Everyday Food in Beijing - Larry Finch

Vegetarian Dinner for Guests - Ruth Abrams

Tomato soup with marjoram, garnished with french-fry shaped potato chips
Baguette from the aspiring-to-be-French bakery
Orangina, 2002 vintage
Risotto with spinach and peas
Green salad with tomatoes, pine nuts and avocado and lemon vinaigrette
Tofu baked in lemon-rosemary marinade
Blood oranges in rosemary-infused honey
Store-bought chocolate sponge cake
I would have made stuffed artichokes instead of soup, but none were to be had, even for ready money. I made the whole meal in about 1 1/2 hours and everything was ready when my guests arrived.

A Sunday Dinner - Linda DeMars

We (maybe I) automatically say, come to my house. I'll cook us a good meal. (I may add, don't look at the mess, just enjoy the food and friendship.) I, being a fan of the movie "Babette's Feast", consider cooking as a form of offering love, or nurturing. Come see us one and all. I am a good cook, maybe not super gourmet, but it's good. Tonight we had baked marinated pork chops, with a honey apple sauce, boiled red potatoes served with butter, salt and pepper, and broccoli with Parmesan cheese. The guys had ice cream.

A Week's Menus - Doug Essinger-Hileman

Our menus this week included grilled chicken marinated in tempeira (a lime-garlic marinade) and glazed at the very end with a pineapple-garlic-rum glaze, served with rice pilaf and steamed broccoli (which the kids made for Father's Day dinner); grilled chicken served over pasta and tossed with a creamy garlic sauce laced with broccoli; and Cincinnati Chili, a wonderful change from the usual fare, laced with cocoa, cinnamon and nutmeg, served over beans and spaghetti. Most lunches and one dinner were one or more of these foods reheated in the microwave. We did succumb to commercial pizza for lunch one day.

A Summer's Light Dinner - Doug Essinger-Hileman

We have come to adore a tapa that is a cold salad of melon (usually canteloupe), chorizo and marinated artichoke. When we make this, we most often use bottled marinated artichokes. On a couple of occasions, we have, however, been able to purchase artichokes; in those cases, the artichokes are only lightly marinated. For a summer's light dinner, there is nothing finer than this tapa and a glass of slightly chilled, bone dry, Spanish rose.

Dinner for Four - Kyle Lerfald

Citrus chicken with garlic mashed potatoes, warm fresh bread, roasted vegetables (patty-pan squash, asparagus, zucchini - whatever) and a bottle of your favorite wine on a table set with fresh flowers (my wife loves fresh flowers) and with suitable musical accompaniment. Perhaps a violin and cello duetto.

Meals Down South - Mary S.

I suppose this leads to the strange (to me) British custom of referring to a large, substantial meal, likely featuring roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, taken on Sundays after church as "Sunday lunch."
Memory fades, but as a little girl growing up down south it seems to me that we had "lunch" (except on Sundays) - a sandwich, basically, and a few trimmings - and the meat-and-potatoes eaten around seven pm after my dad came home from work was "supper," because of the hour. We did not think of "supper" as necessarily a light meal. And the roast or chicken eaten at Sunday midday was Sunday dinner.

Supper: The Repast Not Elegant Enough To Be Called Dinner, Though It Was Eaten By Lamplight - Marian Van Til

A small piece of prime rib, scalloped potatoes with five kinds of English cheese, cucumber salad, fresh chopped cranberry salad with walnuts; and rum-soaked fruitcake for dessert; Hornby's Cider.

Stuffed Pork Loin Dinner - Sara Waterson

I sometimes soak dried apricots in white wine overnight, then stuff the [boned] pork loin with these, chopped, and pine kernels. It gives a little sweetness and is delicious. Serve with rice or potatoes, and a crisp and strong green salad, e.g. with watercress or rocket.

Craighead County, Arkansas - Paula Fabionar

It was a combination of chicken and dressing, corn and rice casserole, banana cream pie shakes at SONIC drive-in, fried catfish with hush puppies and french fries ... coconut cream pie shakes...
Not to forget the CORN FRITTERS and chocolate gravy.
Then the famous "Chick-Fillet" eatery.
And they say "Wowmart" for Walmart. Everyone calls you Sweetheart!!!!!

Tapas with Ginger Bear - Doug Essinger-Hileman

We sought out some Ginger Beer to go along with our dinner last night - tapas of chicken with garlic and lime, cauliflower marinated with Spanish paprika (smoked), cumin-marinated carrots and "quick" pickles.

Everyday Food in Beijing - Larry Finch

In the past few days I have had pig's intestines, fish cooked in hot pepper oil, gelled pig's blood, beef cooked in 400 degree oil over hot stones, chicken heads and feet, wood ear fungus, spinach in spoiled tofu, and a few things I couldn't identify. Dog was also on the menu, but I politely declined.