The Log of the "Leopard"
From Desolation Island
by Warren Campbell
101 | Tuesday 22nd - course S27 W-42d40'N 10d11'W Cape Finisterre E by S 12 leagues |
116 | 42d05'N 12d41'W |
116 | 37d31'N 14d49'W |
116 | 34d17'N 15d03'W |
116 | 32d17'N 15d27'W left Madeira broad on stbd beam |
116 | next day passed the Dry Salvages |
117 | passed the Canaries - Peak of Teneriffe |
117 | ".. settled into their accustomed way of life as soon as Cape Finisterre was astern" |
124 | St. Jago in the Cape Verdes-harbour of Porto Praya |
124 | "..and so cut the tropic of Cancer in 26 days.." |
146 | "...lost the NE trades in 12d30'N, far earlier than Jack had expected.." |
153 | Leopard crossed the line |
157 | bearing up for Recife |
161 | at Cape St Roque - Brazil |
162 | at Recife |
195 | "...well south of Capricorn and within a day of the cold currents and the vast chilly zone before the Westerlies" |
196 | "about two thirds of the way from South America to the tip of Africa, not far from the pitch of the Cape" |
211 | Generally the Leopard was forced South by the Dutchman |
216 | ... been south of 40 deg since Thursday... traveled 200 NM that day |
222 | "Turned South then after an hour turned due east, then East-south-east" |
246 | At 42 deg 45' E 43 deg 40' S |
247 | JA intends to pass the Cape & head to Botany Bay |
262 | Wend 24 Dec Course estimated E 15 deg S |
262 | At 46 deg 37' S - 50 deg 15' E |
264 | "Sunday, course E 10degN 46 deg 50' S - 50 deg 30' E" |
268 | A snowy peak showed 10-15 miles to the North fm pp 275 The Crozets |
274 | Note: Desolation Island at 49 deg 44' S - 69 deg E |
277 | At Desolation Island |