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The Log of the "Leopard"

From Desolation Island

by Warren Campbell

101 Tuesday 22nd - course S27 W-42d40'N 10d11'W Cape Finisterre E by S 12 leagues
116 42d05'N 12d41'W
116 37d31'N 14d49'W
116 34d17'N 15d03'W
116 32d17'N 15d27'W left Madeira broad on stbd beam
116 next day passed the Dry Salvages
117 passed the Canaries - Peak of Teneriffe
117 ".. settled into their accustomed way of life as soon as Cape Finisterre was astern"
124 St. Jago in the Cape Verdes-harbour of Porto Praya
124 "..and so cut the tropic of Cancer in 26 days.."
146 "...lost the NE trades in 12d30'N, far earlier than Jack had expected.."
153 Leopard crossed the line
157 bearing up for Recife
161 at Cape St Roque - Brazil
162 at Recife
195 "...well south of Capricorn and within a day of the cold currents and the vast chilly zone before the Westerlies"
196 "about two thirds of the way from South America to the tip of Africa, not far from the pitch of the Cape"
211 Generally the Leopard was forced South by the Dutchman
216 ... been south of 40 deg since Thursday... traveled 200 NM that day
222 "Turned South then after an hour turned due east, then East-south-east"
246 At 42 deg 45' E 43 deg 40' S
247 JA intends to pass the Cape & head to Botany Bay
262 Wend 24 Dec Course estimated E 15 deg S
262 At 46 deg 37' S - 50 deg 15' E
264 "Sunday, course E 10degN 46 deg 50' S - 50 deg 30' E"
268 A snowy peak showed 10-15 miles to the North fm pp 275 The Crozets
274 Note: Desolation Island at 49 deg 44' S - 69 deg E
277 At Desolation Island